The second Trump administration has begun. But this time an administration with a plan - with a capital P - Project 2025.
Trump planned to win this election, unlike last time, which makes this Administration much more coherent and dangerous.
So in one respect, it’s back to 2017 for our country - which implicates everything from his abhorrent racism to climate denial. It means digging trenches to fight for social and environmental issues. Digging in our heels to hold onto what we’ve built since he last left office and prepare ourselves for the rollbacks, reviews, and revocations.
But it’s also imperative that we forge forward.
Thinking ahead toward all the goals we had for positive, affirmative, ocean conservation policy.
Are they by large achievable now? Honestly? Probably not in a cohesive nature at the federal level. BUT:
Does this change our vision for the future we want to see for our kids, grandkids, or the several generations beyond? No.
Does this change the need for trust and community in order to bring that future into existence? No.
Does this change our work toward a future with safe, sustainable communities supported by a healthy, resilient ocean? No.